At The Hills School the focus of every child's learning is an individual learning program developed in conjunction with teaching staff, parents and support personnel.
These learning opportunities are supported through a number of effective and innovative programs, such as music therapy, Special Olympics, play skills program, swim scheme, playground and lunchtime interest groups, on site hydrotherapy program, work experience and in school work readiness programs, reverse integration (peer tutor program), performing arts program (The Hills Dance Group and the Musical), sensory program, road safety program, movement is preparation for learning program, cafe program, farm to fork program, work experience program, mealtime skills program and life skills program.
Funding is also allocated towards the acquisition and development of resources to support effective learning programs in literacy and numeracy. A comprehensive library program, with financial support from parents, combines and extends all curriculum areas across all learning stages.

The Hills School staff recognise the importance of computer literacy in educating our students for the future, with technology being a vital component of our curriculum from K-12.
Each classroom has computers, smartboards or interactive whiteboards and associated technology, with students offered regular Internet access through a well-resourced library.
The school is equipped BigMack devices to help high need students with communication.
Individualised education programs
All Hills School teachers pride themselves in ensuring that mandatory curriculum requirements are met and that each student is taught using strategies that cater for their individual learning styles.
Innovative teaching programs
Planned sequenced units in Human Society and its Environment, and Science and Technology enable teachers to concentrate on the literacy aspects of these subjects, with emphasis on the writing of text types and talking and listening activities.
Educational excursions supplement these subjects and provide a forum for discussion and extension of ideas and experiences.
A major initiative at The Hills School is the recognition of students' individual needs and differences. Programs are designed to support different learning styles and have been developed and implemented successfully.
Relevant teaching and learning programs
All KLAs have been designed to meet current learning standards to ensure students are taught the very latest curriculum. This strategic planning has evolved through consistent evaluation and through the professional development of staff to build expertise in particular areas. Where necessary the input of outside agencies is obtained.
The Hills School has always had a strong commitment to literacy and the structure of the school day reinforces the school's attention to some of the basics of learning.
Children can access a wide range of texts via the classroom and library. These include printed texts as well as those available through computer tecnologies. The school supports students learning through the use of assistive technologies and PCS (Picture Communication Symbols).
At The Hills School Literacy and Numeracy are a focus for whole of life learning.
Numeracy at The Hills School are implemented through a carefully sequenced program based on the state curriculum. The highly recognised Count Me In Too mathematics program is being introduced into the school this year.
Skills and understandings are further fostered through the use of a wide variety of materials and are supported by access to a range of resources and technologies.
Life skills
Life Skills is a vital aspect of a student's education at The Hills School. If you'd like to find out more about what's offered you can find information on the Life Skills website.