The following information is provided for parents and caregivers of students attending or intending to attend The Hills School. Further information and details are contained in the School Handbook or by contacting the school by telephone: 9639 8448 fax: 9686 3741 or by email:

Students are referred to The Hills School from The Hills District Office, Western Sydney Region. Parents are given an "Offer of Enrolment" and asked to contact the school so that arrangements can be made to enrol their child.
School Times
Classes commence at 9.00 a.m. and finish for the day at 2.50 p.m. Recess is held from 11.00 - 11.30 a.m. Lunchtime is from 12.55 - 1.45 p.m. Students will be supervised at all times and will not be dismissed or allowed to leave their rooms prior to these times. School and taxi to be advised as early as possible if students are going to be away.
The following information is provided for parents and caregivers of students attending or intending to attend The Hills School. Further information and details are contained in the School Handbook or by contacting the school by telephone: 9639 8448 fax: 9686 3741 or by email:
School Office Hours
The Hills School office hours are from 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, during school terms.
School Uniform
The Hills School is a uniformed school. The current uniform was designed in consultation with parents. The uniform can be purchased directly from the school. Details of the school uniform can be downloaded from here.
School Canteen
The Hills School operates a school canteen that follows the Fresh Tastes NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy that requires all NSW government schools to provide a healthy, nutritious canteen menu in line with the Australian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents. The current canteen list can be downloaded from the side menu on this page.
The Hills School conducts excursions to enhance and support classroom studies. Excursions often provide practical experiences to extend learning in a particular area, for example, a visit to an art gallery or farm. Full details of each excursion are provided to parents/caregivers who are required to sign and return excursion notes promptly. Further details are available by contacting the school.
The Hills School has developed its homework policy in consultation with parents/caregivers and teachers. Your child's teacher has information about the school's policy. Encouragement and support from parents/caregivers help students to have a positive, productive approach to homework.
A school newsletter is sent home with each student every second week. Our newsletter contains the main dates of school and parent activities, the Principal's report, class contributions and student achievements. The newsletter is also available online and can be downloaded from the side menu on this page. Previous copies of the newsletter can also be downloaded from the side menu.
School Transport
Students who are unable to travel independently may be conveyed to and from school by contract buses/taxi arranged by the Department of Education and Training. Parents have to apply for transport and indicate why transport is required. Any changes to transport arrangements require departmental approval and time for such approval to be granted.
Communication Book
Each student has a Communication Book which is taken home in the student's bag every school day. The Communication Book provides an opportunity for teachers and parents to inform each other about the student's achievements or any matters that have or may impact on their leaning for a particular day.
School Attendance
In NSW students must attend school regularly. Attendance is recorded daily. Any absence from school should be explained within seven days of the absence. On your child's return to school an "absent from school form" must accompany them providing the reason for the absence.
The P&C
The Hills School P&C Association meets once a month on a Monday night (please see the Term Planner for exact dates). Every parent/caregiver is encouraged to attend meetings, plan fundraising activities to provide student resources, voice opinions, share ideas and help in the governance of the school.
School Handbook
Further information for parents/caregivers is contained within the School Handbook which can be downloaded from the side menu on this page.
Starting School Guide
The Starting School Guide is a useful guide for parents/caregivers who have children newly enrolled in the school and can be downloaded from the side menu on this page.