05 Mar 2024

Principal's message
Hello parents and friends of The Hills School. It has been a very busy few weeks and much is going on in classrooms and othe learning spaces across the school. Students and staff are settling well into new rooms and we are very much happily into the business of learning. This week we have been able to start using the new outdoor learning spaces in Room 1-2-4-5-6-7 following major renovations in landscaping thanks to our Hills School P&C. The spaces have been totally transformed and provide some great options for learning for so many of our students.
Individual Education Plans-
Our annual process of development of individual goals starts next week and we are looking forward to each of our families input as we set the agenda for learning for this year. IEPs are an important part of the teaching and learning program that goes on at school. Teachers will be schudeling appointments in Week 5, 6 and 7.
Therpay Consultants -
We would like to welcome back our therapy consultant team Natasha Sansoni (OT) and Stephanie Wong (SP), joining us each week to provide in-class support, consultant, professional learning and guidance as we seek to meet the many and varied needs of students at The Hills School.
Mark Gosbell