21 Nov 2024

Principal's message:
Hello all and welcome to the Term 4 Week 5 news
Another busy few weeks at school with some exiting events such as Footy Colours Day- a great day for the whole school community to come together in support of cancer research. Footy Colours Day is a national fundraising event where thousands of Aussies come together, proudly sport their team's colours, and raise money so kids don't fight cancer alone. We also held our Year 12 Graduation and a number of families joined us for a Services Australia Parent information meeting.
As part of our commitment to fostering effective communication between families and The Hills School we’ve been thinking about our processes and expectations with families and wanted to take some time to provide some clarification and guidance for our community.
Contacting the School:
Families are encouraged to reach out to the school with any questions or concerns during office hours.
The Hills School's office hours are from 8:30am to 3:30pm, Monday to Friday.
You can contact the school via phone at 9639 8448 or email at thehills-s.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Student Communication Diary:
We encourage families to utilise the student communication diary as a tool for communication between home and school.
This diary can be used to share important messages, notes, or questions with your child's teacher.
Teachers monitor and respond to entries in the communication diary during school hours.
Teacher Communication:
We value open communication with our families and prefer families to either email teachers/the school or contact us by telephone. Please be aware that replies to emails from teachers are usually made during school hours.
Teachers will respond to emails and messages within a reasonable timeframe during their work hours, typically within 48 hours. Teachers will endeavour to return your phone call at the earliest opportunity.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and effective communication flow. Our goal is to support our students and families while ensuring that our staff can balance their professional and personal commitments.
Thank you for your partnership in your child's education.
School Vision Survey
Our school vision was refined in 2019 as a foundation for the 2020-2024 School Plan. Our school vision and purpose forms the foundation for the great teaching and learning that our students experience each day.
In preparation for the next school excellence plan for 2025-2028, it is fitting that we review this important piece as our school vision underpins the reason we do what we do each day. To help refine this work, can I please ask that you give me you thoughts in a very short survey below?
Our vision:
“We Love Learning. At The Hills School we are all learning and developing every day. We believe quality learning takes place best when it is fun, purposeful and when it is part of a greater connection with others.”
Mark Gosbell