28 Jun 2024

Principal's message
Hello all and welcome to our Term 2 Week 9 newsletter.
Mission Mufti
Part of living, working and contributing to our community is being socially minded and making effort to look after those that are vulnerable. On Friday 14 June we all came together in support of a good cause and held a mufti day in support of homeless people in the local area. Students and staff bought donations of simple items that will make a difference in the lives of those who have fallen on hard times. The students lined up the items to create a visual representation of the kindness of people at our school. I would like to extend my sincere thanks for your collective contributions. Our support of Paramatta Mission is extremely well received and our community has made a real impact on the lives of those less fortunate particularly in a time where the cost of living is hitting all of us. Thank you to the entire community for making this such a great event.
Senior Bus Trip and Mini-Expo 2024
This week marked the first of 2 senior bus trips seeing a group of families boarding our P&C buses and heading out to local post-school service providers to see what is available for students beyond their years at school. The group of parents were able to visit numerous venues and get a first person view of the programs on offer and be further empowered to make decisions for their own students. While the bus trip is designed for parents of students in Years 10-12 there was a number of families that joined us on the day to start thinking through this next part of their child’s journey. Many thanks to Andrew Petersen, Support Teacher Transition, senior school staff and our Community support Officer Brigette for making this such a valuable opportunity for parents.
Save the date Monday 29 July for our Term 3 Post School Options Mini-Expo. Come along to chat with the service providers about programs and services they can offer when your child completes their schooling.
Our school reports will be published next week on Wednesday 3 July. Family can expect both a printed copy and a report in their regular email address. Our reports share the learning that has been happening at school over the last 2 terms and provides parents with insight into progress and ‘next-steps’. An opportunity to discuss the report and update your child’s IEP will be avaible early next term.
School holidays start on Saturday 6 July with students returning to school on Tuesday 23 July. I would like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday period.
Mark Gosbell