The Hills School

We Love Learning

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Murat Dizdar (Deputy Secretary) visits The Hills School

Murat Dizdar (Deputy Secretary) visits The Hills School

Principal’s Message:

Senior School Parent Information Evening

On Monday 8 March parents of students from Year 10-12 were invited to school to discuss the Senior School Program and learn about the transition to post school processes. At the meeting Dalia gave a presentation on the content of curriculum and work education programs for our senior students and our Support Teacher Transition, Andrew Peterson shared about the transition planning process and options for different students. Teachers from each of the classes with Year 10-12 students joined the conversation and families heard from past parent Julie Hawkins as she spoke of her daughter’s transition to Post School Options – the highs and lows along with what worked and didn’t work. I wanted to thank Julie for joining us – her message is such an important one to share as I am sure that many mums and dads learnt more from Julie’s journey than could be gathered from less personal sources. Thanks Julie!

We are looking forward to continuing this as a regular feature of community supports in the years to come. Again, thanks to those who were able to join us on the night.

A Visit from the Deputy Secretary

Last week we were afforded a special visit by Department of Education Deputy Secretary Murat Dizdar, Executive Director Martin Graham and Director Education Leadership Judy Goodsell. Their visit forms a part of broader works to ensure the senior leadership of our department are connected to school communities as they strive to ensure all arms of their work are about supporting student learning.

Our School Captains Chelsea and Sergio did an amazing job welcoming the guests. They told our guests about their favourite parts of the school and where they should visit. Sergio was very polite when welcoming Murat to the school. Chelsea even shared a joke which was just brilliant.

We toured the school and visited Room 8 for Science/Art lesson where Murat and Martin battled to keep paint off their suits – Murat won this battle and Martin has a slightly higher dry-cleaning bill this week. The class did a fantastic job sharing their learning and showing off what life was like in their room.

Our P&C President John Scotting joined the visit. His advocacy for our families and your children was heard loud and clear with Murat sending correspondence after the visit to thank John for highlighting a variety of elements of praise and challenge.

Mark Gosbell
